Author: admin

8 September 2016 - 12:35, by , in Educational, No comments
Looking for a better solution to manage your schools questions bank and question papers? Well here it is. Checkout our new feature : Question bank module. Main Features You can create any type of questions e.g descriptive, fill in the blanks, one line answer, multiple choice questions etc. Multiple choice questions Descriptive questions. Can create questions...
8 September 2016 - 12:35, by , in Educational, No comments
Hello dear parents. Today in this post i am going to write about how to inculcate habit of reading among your kids. As we all know Interest in books cannot be generated overnight and reading is not one of the habits that all children will pick up on their own. Now a days it becomes very...
10 February 2016 - 13:52, by , in Educational, No comments
Is managing all documents hectic? You can now easily generate students documents with our TopSchool product. Generating Leaving Certificate : – Generate Leaving certificate of a student in school by following simple steps. 1. Login to your TopSchool portal. 2. Go to DOC module, under which you can find leaving certificate sub-module. 3. Select academic year...
27 January 2016 - 13:48, by , in Developer, No comments
” PRECISE AND FAST “ It is a search engine algorithm used by google which was introduced in September 2013. It focuses on meaning “precise and fast”.  It is latest and the greatest. Danny Sullivan said of Hummingbird, “Google said that Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query, ensuring that the whole...