Gate Auto Attendance

Gate Auto Attendance
  • This is a wireless UHF Based Automatic School Attendance System.
  • Parents get an instant App Notification through integrated solution on their mobile phones as soon as their child Enters/Exits the   School.
  • Children are given UHFD Based I-Cards. As they show pass gate during Entry/Exit to the school, their parents whether they are at home    Or at office, they come to know that their child has entered or Exit the school through an instant Real-Time Automatic Notification is   sent “Mummy/Daddy, I’m in school now!”and Automatic School Attendance is done.
  • The school authorities can see the Real-Time Attendance of the students from anywhere in the world as it is a complete web-based   School Attendance System.


Sr.No Item Quantity
1 Student ID Card Included
2 Card Holder Included
3 Attendance Gate Included

Requirements from school

  • Active Internet Connection.
  • LAN Cabling till the Machine Location.
  • Power Point for Machine.
  • Point of Contact.

Implementation Steps

  • Details required for ID card along with Student Photos to be updated on TopSchool portal through Mass Upload feature
  • Once data updated , data would be sent for Proof Reading.


  1. Students Staff need to Punch card/ Pass through the gate on the machines.
  2. Parents will receive App Notification as soon as the card is Punched . School needs to provide us with in and out time   interval,accordingly parent will be notified.
    In Time : 8.00 Am to 9.00 AM
    Ex : Hello ! Saloni Mohanlal Thakre has reached school at time : 08:24:19 on date :28/09/2017 Thank you and have a good day!
    Out time : 2.30 PM to 3.30 PM
    Ex : Hello ! Saloni Mohanlal Thakre has left school at time : 14:41:59 on date :28/09/2017 Thank you!
  3.  Punched record will be synced with TopSchool Portal.
  4.  School can see data of Students who have punched the card and those not punched card.
  5.  Admin/Teacher need to review the data and confirm to send the absent message to the Parents.